Die definitorische Abgrenzung von Schüben und Reaktionen , wie sie JAS翻訳 - Die definitorische Abgrenzung von Schüben und Reaktionen , wie sie JAS英語言う方法

Die definitorische Abgrenzung von S

Die definitorische Abgrenzung von Schüben und Reaktionen , wie sie JASPERS fordert, hält WILMANNS für heuristisch wertvoll, wenn sie auch in aller Strenge nicht durchführbar sei.
„Einerseits beobachtet man Erkrankungen — BORNSTEIN hat solche unter der Bezeichnung „schizothyme Reaktion“ beschrieben —, die in unmittelbarem Anschluß an heftige Gemütsbewegungen zum Ausbruch kommen, deren Inhalte in evident verständlichem Zusammenhänge mit dem vorausgehenden Erlebnis stehen, die zunächst durchaus das Gepräge eines reaktiven Zustandes tragen und schließlich doch in einen charakteristischen Endzustand übergehen — und andererseits sehen wir ebenfalls im Anschluß an schwere seelische Konflikte und Erschütterungen plötzlich katatonische Erregungen und Stuporzustände auftreten, die keinerlei verständlichen Zusammenhang mit dem Erlebnis haben, mithin die Kennzeichen des Schubes tragen, und ohne nachweisbare Veränderung der Persönlichkeit ablaufen.“
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The definitional distinction between thrusts and reactions, as JASPERS demands, considers valuable, WILMANNS heuristic if it is not feasible in all rigor."On the one hand they observed diseases - BORNSTEIN has described such under the name"schizothyme reaction"- which come in direct connection to violent emotions erupted, links with previous experience are their contents in evident understandable, that initially quite bear the character of a reactive condition and eventually but in a characteristic final State go over - and on the other hand also in the connection we see serious emotional conflicts and shaking suddenly Catatonic emotions and States of stupor" ", which have no understandable context with the experience, therefore bear the mark of the thrust, and expire without detectable alteration of personality."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The definitional demarcation of relapses and reactions as required by JASPERS, WILMANNS deems heuristically valuable if it was not feasible in all strictness.
"On one hand we observe illnesses - BORNSTEIN has such under the name" described schizothymic reaction "- which in immediately following violent emotions to the outbreak come, whose contents are in evident understandable correlations with the previous experience, the first certainly bear the stamp of a reactive state and eventually merge into a characteristic final state - and on the other hand we see also in connection with serious emotional conflicts shocks and sudden catatonic stupor and excitement arise which have no intelligible connection with the experience, and therefore bear the mark of thrust, and run without detectable change of personality. "
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the differentiation of relapses and reactions as jaspers calls, wilmanns for heuristically valuable if you're too strict was not feasible.
'- bornstein observed disorders such „schizothyme reaction are described under the name, immediately following the outbreak of violent gemütsbewegungen cometheir contents in clearly understandable links with the previous experience, the first is the character of a reactive condition and finally into a characteristic too and on the other hand, we see also move in response to severe psychological conflicts and shocks and stuporzustände suddenly catatonic excitations occurno obvious connection with the experience, thus the identification of relapse, and without detectable change in personality to expire. "
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