Die Temperatur sinkt im Eiswasser bis auf 2,5 °C und wird solange auch korrekt über das Display ausgegeben. Ist die Temperatur unter 2,5°C tritt der Fehler V2.14 „Sensor Inspirationsschlauch nicht erkannt“ auf.
the temperature decreases in ice water to 2.5 ° c and is also long output correctly via the display. is the temperature below 2.5 ° C the error occurs v2.14 "sensor inspiration hose not recognized" on.
The temperature drops in the water up to 2.5 ° C and as long as correctly issued via the display. The temperature is below 2.5 ° C the V2 error. 14 'Sensor inspiration tube not recognized' on. .
In the ice water until the temperature drops to 2.5 °C and is also correct as long as the display is output. The temperature is less than 2.5 °C the Error V2.14 "Sensor Not Detected Inspirationsschlauch.