Bertha Stassler, born 1888 (16/271). Always nervous and easily agitated; good student, always worked as Polisseuse in a goldsmith's factory. Five rapid succession following death in the family: 1915 fell two brothers. 1916 his father died, in September, the third and final brother fell in the field. On 20 l1. 16 died after eight days of illness, the husband. She was severely hit by the deaths of their blood relatives and has been very excited, but was much quieter in the last 4 weeks. But when even the man died, occurred the same evening on the mental disorder which worsened the following day. She tore the clothes off, raging, shouting, kept repeating the same words: "naked and bare, Christ is victorious." In the hospital Pforzheim refusal of food, highly excited, repeated again the same words.