Right to strike the right to strike for students
also enshrined in the Constitution is a fundamental right. In Article 9 of the GG protected collective freedom of association is also in principle the right to strike.
The hook for students went on strike is,In Article 9 that the right to strike only GG standardized industrial action of organised workers to employers. A "right to strike", namely, a right to collective absence from classes for whole school groups or classes in German law, there is not.
Students are subject to all the required rule the classroom.From this attendance required can only be in close exceptional cases where there is a compelling reason and be suspended. Such an exceptional case is a strike declared by the students, even if the enforcement of legitimate objectives may be pursued, not regularly given.
The participation in "wild" strikes at the school leads to,That student aid recipients have participated in the strike, which, for the period of the duration of the strike on the repayment of the state support can be condemned (VGH Kassel, NVwZ-RR 1988, 88) .