„Ja, das ist schuld — jetzt brauch ich mich nicht mehr aufzuregen, jetzt bin ich kuriert.“ Anfang April viel ruhiger, plötzliches Stocken mitten im Satz beim Sprechen, plötzliches Wechseln von Lachen und Weinen ohne äußeren Grund, verweigert die Nahrungsaufnahme.
"Yes, that's to blame - now I need to excite me anymore, now I'm cured." Beginning April much calmer, ground to a sudden halt in mid-sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying without any external reason, denied the food intake.
"Yes, that's to blame - now I need me no longer excited, now I'm cured." In early April a lot quieter, sudden halt in mid-sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying with no external reason, refuses to take food.
yes, it's fault - i don't get upset, now i'm cured. "at the beginning of april, quieter, sudden halt in the middle of a sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying without any external reason, refusing food.