Heinrich überliess 1279 den Clarissen das aufgehobene Kloster des Sack翻訳 - Heinrich überliess 1279 den Clarissen das aufgehobene Kloster des Sack英語言う方法

Heinrich überliess 1279 den Clariss

Heinrich überliess 1279 den Clarissen das aufgehobene Kloster des Sackbrüderordens in Kleinbasel. Als einstiger Minorit war er dem Nonnenorden besonders zugeneigt. 1281 übertrug Rudolf von Habsburg dem Basler Bischof die feierliche Beisetzung von Königin Anna, die ihrem Wunsch gemäss neben ihrem 1276 verstorbenen Söhnchen Karl im Basler Münster bestattet werden wollte. 1283 sollte Heinrich die Hilfe von Rudolf im Elsgau dringend nötig haben, und die Freundschaft sollte sich bewähren.

koenigin anna.

Das Grabmal von Königin Anna und ihrem Sohn Karl im Basler Münster. Sie wurden auf Annas Wunsch hier beigesetzt - Rudolf von Habsburg übertrug beide Begräbnisse Bischof Heinrich von Isny.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Henry left the Clarissen 1279 the repealed monastery of the blind brother in Kleinbasel. Former Minorite he was particularly sympathetic towards the reburied. 1281, Rudolf of Habsburg transferred the solemn funeral of Queen Anna, Karl in the Basel Münster desire in accordance with wanted to be buried beside her 1276 deceased son Basel Bishop. 1283 Henry should have urgently needed the help of Rudolf in the lies, and the friendship should prove their worth.Queen anna.The tomb of Queen Anna and her son Charles in the Basel Münster. They were buried at Anna's request here - Rudolf von Habsburg transferred both burials Bishop Heinrich von Isny.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Heinrich gave in 1279 to the repealed Clarissen Monastery of the blind brothers Order in Kleinbasel. As a former Minorite he was particularly inclined toward the nuns. 1281 rendered Rudolf von Habsburg the Bishop of Basel, the solemn funeral of Queen Anne, who wanted to be buried next to her son who died in 1276 in Karl Basler Munster her desired. 1283 Heinrich should take the help of Rudolf in Elsgau have urgently needed, and the friendship should prove itself. Queen Anne. The tomb of Queen Anne and her son Karl in Basel Cathedral. They were buried at Anna's request here - Rudolf von Habsburg entrusted both funerals Bishop Heinrich of Isny.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
heinrich handed the clarissen 1279 that repealed the monastery of the sackbrüderordens in kleinbasel. a former minorit he was the nonnenorden particularly affectionate. 1281, rudolf habsburg the basle bishop the solemn funeral of queen anne, her wish, in addition to their deceased son karl in 1276 in basel cathedral was to be.1283 should help elsgau rudolf heinrich in need, and the friendship is over. queen anna

the tomb of queen anne, and their son karl in basel cathedral. they were on anna's desire interred here - rudolf habsburg gave both funerals bishop heinrich of federal.
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