am selben Tag erfuhr sie von einer Frau, daß ihr Verlobter ein Verhältnis mit einem anderen Mädchen habe. Am folgenden Tag sehr auffällig, der Arm schmerze ihr, das Herz tue ihr so weh; sie ging auf den Friedhof, behauptete, die neuen Glocken, die die Gemeinde erwartete, seien schon angekommen; wenn sie läuteten, würde es ihr besser. Sie ging zum Pfarrer, erklärte, sie sei dessen Tochter, redete die ganze Nacht vom toten Vater, Krieg, Verhältnis, Glocken, griff alles auf, was ihr vor die Augen kam; starker Durst, sie sei so schwach wie ein kleines Kind; ständig erregt.
on the same day she learned about a woman, that her fiance had a relationship with another girl. On the following day very striking, the arm pain that do heart you so hurt. She went to the cemetery, claimed that the new bells, which expected the municipality already arrived; When it rang, it'd better to her. She went to the priest, said that she was his daughter, talked the whole night of the dead father, war, bells, all took up what came before the eyes; strong thirst, she was so weak as a child; constantly aroused.

the same day she was told by a woman that her fiancé was having an affair with another girl. The following day, very conspicuous, the arm was hurting her, the heart do you so much; she went to the cemetery, claimed that the new bell, the expected the congregation had already arrived; when they rang, she would be better. They went to the priest, said that she was his daughter, talked all night from dead father, war, money, bells, took up all that you came to her eyes; intense thirst, she was so weak as a little child; continuously energized.

on the same day she heard a woman that her fiance a relationship with another girl. on the following day, very conspicuous, the arm hurt her heart do you hurt; she went to the cemetery, claimed that the new bells, the municipality of expected, be already arrived; if you rang, it would make her better. she went to the priest, said that she was his daughter.talked all night of the dead father, war, relationship, bells, handle everything her eyes came; thirst, she was as weak as a child, always excited.