2. Solche, die nicht da sind, die abwesend scheinen, sich erst lange besinnen und einstellen müssen, bis sie antworten, die ein verschlossenes Wesen zur Schau tragen; daneben zeigen sie unterschiedliche psychopathische Züge: Geiz, Mißtrauen‚ Eigenwillen, Erregbarkeit, Alkoholintoleranz und gesteigerte sexuelle Erregbarkeit. Bei dieser Gruppe wird an engere Beziehung zur Schizophrenie gedacht, zumal in einzelnen Fällen schwer zu sagen ist, wo die Psychose anfängt und wo die Psychopathie aufhört.
2. until they answer those who are not there, that must seem absent, may reflect long and set, carrying a sealed creature show; In addition, they show different psychopathic traits: avarice, suspicion ' self-will, irritability, alcohol intolerance and increased sexual excitability. This group is considered in closer relationship to schizophrenia, especially as hard to tell in some cases where the psychosis begins and ends where the psychopathy is.

2. Those who are not there, who seem absent, reflect and adjust only need long until they reply that carry a closed essence to the public; In addition, they show different psychopathic traits: greed, distrust, self-will, irritability, alcohol intolerance and increased sexual excitability. This group is intended to closer relationship with schizophrenia, is hard to say especially in individual cases where the psychosis begins and where the psychopathy ceases.

2. Such that are not there, the absent seem to only remember long and have to set, until you answer, the a sealed nature; in addition the exhibition display different psychopathic trains: greed, mistrust' wilfulness, irritability, Alkoholintoleranz and increased sexual excitability. This group is intended to closer relationship with the schizophrenia,Especially in individual cases is difficult to say where the psychosis begins and where the Psychopathie stops.