dann fragt es sich, warum das zweite Mal der Inhalt der Psychose verständlich war, das erste Mal nicht; vielleicht war die erste Erkrankung ein Schub, der die schizoide Veränderung hinterließ und damit die Voraussetzung zu der zweiten reaktiven Erkrankung schuf (1). Oder es handelt sich beide Male um Schübe, deren zweiter rein pathoplastisch durch die gerade vorhandene Konfliktsituation gefärbt war. Zwei in mancher Hinsicht ähnliche Psychosen in einer Familie hat HARTMANN mitgeteilt. Zwei Schwestern erkranken unmittelbar im Anschluß an den Tod des Vaters. Die eine hatte schon 2 Jahre vorher während der Lactation einen Schub mit katatoner Verwirrtheit durchgemacht, ihre Psychose zeigte keinerlei inhaltliche Beziehung zu dem auslösenden Ereignis. Die zweite Schwester war vom Tode des Vaters besonders beeindruckt und erlebte den Ausbruch der zweiten Psychose bei der Schwester mit. Ihre Erkrankung ist weitgehend als Reaktion auf den Verlust des Vaters verstehbar, dem erschütternden Erlebnis wird wahnhaft die Realität aberkannt. Trotzdem sind die schizophrenen Züge auch in ihrem Krankheitsbilde unverkennbar. Beide Patientinnen wurden in guter Remission entlassen.
then not wonder it why the second time the contents of the psychosis was understandable, the first time; Maybe the first disease was a burst which left the schizoid change and thus created the requirement for the second reactive disease (1). Or, it's both times to flare-ups, whose zweiter in pathoplastisch was stained by the currently existing conflict situation. HARTMANN has informed two similar in some respects psychosis in a family. Two sisters develop immediately following the death of his father. One had been through 2 years before a boost with katatoner confusion during the lactation, her psychosis showed no substantive relationship to the triggering event. The second sister was particularly impressed by the death of his father and witnessed the outbreak of the second psychosis in the sister. Their disease is largely understandable response to the loss of his father, the reality is stripped of delusional the harrowing experience. Nevertheless, the schizophrenic trains are unmistakable in their disease image. Both patients were discharged in good remission.

then it asks why, the second time the contents of the psychosis was understandable, for the first time; maybe was the first disease a thrust to the schizoid change left and the condition of the second reactive condition, (1). it is both times to relapses.in the second pathoplastisch by just existing conflict was dyed. two is in many ways similar psychosis in a family has told hartmann. two sisters ill immediately after the death of his father. the already had 2 years before during the lactation a boost with katatoner confusion through.their psychosis showed no content related to the triggering event. the second sister was the death of the father, and was particularly impressed with the outbreak of the second psychosis with the sister. the disease is largely in response to the loss of the father employed, the harrowing experience delusional reality disallowed.however, the schizophrenic traits in their krankheitsbilde unmistakable. both patients were discharged in good response.