Diese Entwicklung war zweifellos heilsam und fruchtbar. Die Behauptung SCHROEDERS, daß in der Deutung und im Verständnis der Sinnestäuschungen seit ESQUIROL keine wesentlichen Fortschritte gemacht worden seien, schießt über das Ziel weit hinaus. Die Einordnung der halluzinatorischen und ähnlichen Erlebnisse in die sinnvollen Zusammenhänge und in die psychischen Gesamtkomplexe hat zu ihrer Aufklärung dadurch erheblich beigetragen, daß an Stelle einer starren logischen Ordnung der Phänomene eine psychologisch-phänomenologische getreten ist. Zugleich haben die normalen und psychopathischen Erscheinungen wie Traum, Wachträumerei, eidetische Anlage, sog. Unterbewußtes, "Sphäre", Einschlafdenken usw., vergleichend herangezogen, die Fragestellungen vertieft. Eine klinische Darstellung aber, will sie die Tatsachen nach ihrer Gegebenheitsweise und nicht nach von außen herangebrachten Theorien ordnen, darf sich durch alle diese Beziehungen und Analogien nicht dazu bringen lassen, den sinnesmäßigen Anteil an den pathologischen Phänomenen, mag er auch noch so eingegliedert und ableitbar sein, zu übersehen (GRUHLE). Ganz besonders beim akuten Einsetzen der Erkrankung können wir hoffen, darüber, ob hier allemal etwas "sekundäres", "akzessorisches" vorliegt, Klarheit zu gewinnen.
This development was undoubtedly beneficial and fruitful. Schroeder, claiming that in the interpretation and understanding of the Sensory illusions since ESQUIROL no significant progress had been made, far overshoots the mark. The classification of the hallucinatory and similar experiences in the meaningful contexts and in the overall psychological complexes has contributed significantly to their reconnaissance thus, that a rigid logical order of phenomena a psychologically phenomenological has taken place. At the same time the normal and psychopathic phenomena such as dream, awake, reverie, comparing used Eidetic so-called subconscious, 'Sphere', sleep thinking, etc., who deepened the questions. A clinical appearance but, wants to arrange the facts how to fact, not theories brought up outside them, let not to bring all these relationships and analogies, the sense moderate share of the pathological phenomena, and may be he even incorporated should be inferred, to overlook (GRUHLE). Particularly in the acute onset of the disease, we can hope about whether here always something "secondary", "accessory" is to gain clarity.

This development was undoubtedly beneficial and fruitful. The claim SCHROEDERS that no substantial progress had been made in the interpretation and understanding of hallucinations since ESQUIROL, overshoots the target by far. The classification of hallucinatory and similar experiences in meaningful contexts and in the overall psychological complexes has considerably contributed to their education, that is a psychological phenomenological taken the place of a rigid logical order of phenomena. At the same time have the normal and psychopathic behavior as dream Wachträumerei, eidetic system, so-called. Subconscious, "sphere", Einschlafdenken etc., used comparatively, the issues in depth. A clinical presentation but she wants to organize the facts according to their mode of givenness and not after pilfered from the outside theories, through all these relationships and analogies must not be put to the senses fair share of the pathological phenomena, he may yet become divided and derivable be overlooked (Gruhle). Especially in acute onset of the disease, we can hope to whether something here all "secondary", "accessory" exists to gain clarity.

This development was certainly salutary and fruitfully. The statement SCHROEDERS that in the interpretation and in the understanding of the hallucinations since ESQUIROL no substantial progress was made, overshoots over the goal far.The classification of the hallucinatory and similar experiences into the meaningful connections and into the psychological general complexes contributed to their clearing-up thereby substantially that in place a psychological-phenomenological stepped a rigid logical order of the phenomena. At the same time the normal and psychopathic features have such as dream, awake fantasy,oath tables plant, so-called subconscious one, “sphere”, falling asleep thinking etc., comparatively consulted, the questions deepens. A clinical representation however, wants it the facts according to her condition way and according to theories brought from the outside arrange, may not by all these relations and analogies not to it to be brought be able,the sense-moderate portion of the pathological phenomena, he may be also still so integrated and derivably, too surveyed (GRUHLE). Completely particularly with acute using of the illness we can hope to win clarity over it, whether something is here always present “secondary”, “accessory”.