Die Ehefrau schilderte uns den Vorgang ganz ähnlich. Ohne daß ein Wortwechsel vorausgegangen sei, verließ er die Küche und ging in das Zimmer. Da die Frau ihm nicht recht traute, ging sie ihm dorthin nach, wo ein heftiger Erregungszustand ausbrach, in dem er die Frau mit einem Schürhaken so schlug, daß sie bewußtlos liegen blieb. Auch die Frau berichtete, daß er sie gefragt habe; was hinter der Schlägerei stecke, und sie habe gemeint, der Teufel. Er habe in sie gedrungen, wollte den wahren Namen des Urhebers wissen, den die Frau nicht sagen konnte.
The wife told us much about the process. Without that was preceded by an exchange of words, he left the kitchen and went to the room. Because the woman does not quite trust him, she went him there, where a violent state of excitement broke out, in which the woman with a poker as beating, that she stayed unconscious. The woman reported that he had asked her What was behind the brawl, and she meant, the devil. He had gone into it, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman could not say.

The wife described us the process quite similar. Without any exchange of words had been preceded, he left the kitchen and went into the room. Since the woman did not quite trust him, she followed him to where a violent state of excitement broke out in which he, the woman with a poker so struck that she lay unconscious. The woman reported that he had asked them; What was behind the brawl, and they have meant the devil. He had pressed into it, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman could not say.

The wife told us the process in much the same way. Without that was preceded by a conversation, he left the kitchen and went into the room. As the woman he didn't dare not right, she went after him there, where a fierce excitement broke out, in which he suggested that the woman with a poker that you become unconscious. The woman also reported that he asked her.What is behind the brawl was stuck, and she had meant the devil. He had insisted in you, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman couldn't tell.