Lieber Herr Odashima,
lassen Sie den Text für den Antrag jetzt so wie er ist. Er klingt im Deutschen zwar noch holprig, aber die Kommissionsmitglieder, die über das Stipendium zu entscheiden haben, werden das, denke ich, richtig einschätzen können.
Wenn Sie Ihren Antrag weggeschickt haben, dann erholen Sie sich erst einmal gesundheitlich und tun Sie Ihrer Frau etwas Gutes, die Sie so gut unterstützt hat.
Danach arbeiten Sie an dem Kapitel über den Zahlenspruch weiter, bis er in einem Zustand ist, der einer Dissertation entspricht. Wenn das erreicht ist, haben Sie schon einige Seiten Ihrer Dissertation fertig gestellt.
Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Glück für Ihren Antrag!
Dear Mr. Odashima,Now let the text of the application as it is. He sounds in German while still bumpy, but the Commission members, who have to decide about the scholarship, will assess, I think correctly that. If you have sent your application, then you relax only once health and your wife you do something good, which as well has supported you.Then you keep working on the section about the figures saying until he is in a State corresponding to a dissertation. When this is achieved, you have completed quite a few pages of your dissertation. I wish you good luck for your request.

Dear Mr. Odashima,
let the text of the resolution now as it is. He sounds the Germans still bumpy but the Commissioners who have to decide on the grant, be the, I think, be able to assess properly. If you have sent your request, then you can relax once health and do your wife something Good that you did so well supported. Then you work on the chapter on the number saying until he is in a state corresponding to a dissertation. If that is achieved, you have already completed some of the pages of your thesis. I wish you good luck for your application!

dear mr odashima,
let the text of the amendment now as he is. he sounds in german is still bumpy, but the commissioners, who have to decide about that scholarship, that, i think, really appreciate.
if you have sent your request, then relax once healthy and do your wife a goodthe well supported.
that you work in the chapter on the zahlenspruch continues until he is in a state of a thesis. when this is achieved, you have some pages of your dissertation completed.
i wish you good luck for your application.