Eher wäre zu fragen, ob nicht umgekehrt pathologische Abwandlungen des Wahrnehmungsvorgangs, z. B. im Falle Kirner, die wahnhafte Umwelterfassung nahe legen. Doch scheint uns keine der beiden genetischen Ableitungen solcher Zustandsbilder fruchtbar. Es bleibt vorläufig nichts anderes übrig als die isolierende Betrachtung bestimmter Gruppen von Einzelsymptomen. Gerade der Beginn des Prozesses zwingt, wie man sieht, zur Ziehung von Trennungsstrichen auch in Symptombildern, die sich anscheinend leicht als einheitlich geschlossene auffassen lassen. Wir gehen wohl nicht fehl, wenn wir dies darauf zurückführen, daß hier noch die Vergegenwärtigung des tatsächlich Erlebten durch Introspektion des erlebenden Patienten möglich ist. Das Fortschreiten des Krankheitsprozesses bringt mit einer größeren Mannigfaltigkeit der Symptome auch ein vereinfachendes Zusammenspiel hervor. Die auch in der Krankheit nicht zerstörbare Tendenz des Seelischen zur sinnvollen Einheitsbildung tritt in Wirksamkeit; darüber hinaus kommt es zu einer umbildenden Verarbeitung der Phänomene, die dem Beobachter eine Scheidung erschwert, vielmehr eine Vereinheitlichung unter diesem oder jenem theoretischen Gesichtspunkt nahe legt.
Rather would be to ask whether not vice versa pathological modifications of the perception process, such as in the case Kamba, the delusional environmental collection suggests. But us none of both genetic derivations such State images seems fruitful. Leaves nothing for the time being as the insulating consideration of certain categories of individual symptoms. Just the beginning of the process forces as you can see to the draw by separation lines in symptom images, which are apparently easily uniformly closed to take leave. We do not go wrong probably, if we attribute this fact, that here the the actually experienced by introspection of experiencing patients is possible. The progression of the disease process produces also a simplified interaction with a larger variety of symptoms. Not destructible in the disease tendency of psychological meaningful unit formation occurs in effectiveness; In addition, it comes to a fine to processing of the phenomena, which makes it difficult for the observer to a divorce, rather suggests a unification under this or that theoretical point of view.

Rather would ask if suggest not reversed pathological modifications of the perception process, z. B. in the case Kirner, the delusional environmental detection. But we neither genetic derivatives such condition photos seem fruitful. It remains for the time being nothing else than the insulating consideration certain categories of individual symptoms. Just the beginning of the process forces, as you can see, the drawing of separation lines in symptom pictures that can be easily interpreted as a uniform closed apparently. We probably do not go wrong if we attribute this to the fact that here is still the realization of actually experienced through introspection of patients experiencing possible. The progression of the disease process brings a greater variety of symptoms shows also a simplifying interaction. The well in the disease not destructible tendency of the soul to meaningful unit formation occurs in effectiveness; In addition, there is a umbildenden processing of the phenomena that the observer makes it difficult to divorce, rather a unification under this or that theoretical point suggests.

More would be to ask whether not vice versa pathological variations, such as in the case of an unending process Kirner, vision and environment understanding the more and more paranoid. But it seems to us none of the two genetic leads such Zustandsbilder fruitful. It is provisionally as the insulating contemplation nothing certain groups of Einzelsymptomen.Just the Beginning of the process forces, as you can see, the drawing of Trennungsstrichen Symptombildern, apparently also in easily perceive as a uniform closed. We are certainly not fail if we this be traced to the fact that here is the actualization of the actually experienced by introspection of the survivors or patients is possible.The progression of the deemed with a larger variety of symptoms also a simplified interaction. Also the trend in the disease not destructible Einheitsbildung shall enter into force for the good of the psychical in effectiveness; in addition, there will be a umbildenden processing of the phenomena, the observer a divorce more difficult,Rather, a unification under this or that theoretical point of view.