Es heißt draußen: "Was haben sie jetzt gesagt"? und dann wird es wiederholt. Sie verneint, daß ihre Gedanken gestört, beeiuflußt oder nachgesprochen werden. Genau berichtet sie über nächtliche Körpersensationen: Sie lag im Halbschlummer und hörte eine Stimme, es war nicht wie im Traum, sie war sofort wach. "Gerade wie wenn es jemand männliches ist, ich weiß nicht, so habe ich es aufgefaßt". Die Stimme kam von unten "ich glaube das, denn ich habe schon oft unterscheiden können, wenn es von der Seite gekommen ist". Es hat geheißen: "Sie oder Du müssen liegen bleiben" - was die Stimme vorher geflüstert, konnte sie nicht verstehen. "Wenn ich nicht das Gefühl gehabt hätte, es geschieht mir etwas, wäre ich gar nicht aufgestanden, denn Stimmen habe ich schon oft gehört".
It's called out: "What they said now"? and then it repeats. They denied that their thoughts disturbed, beeiuflußt or spoken to. Exactly she reports on nightly body sensations: was in the half slumber, and heard a voice, it was not like in a dream, she was instantly awake. "Just like if there is someone male, I don't know so I it considered". The voice came from the bottom "I think that, because I've often can distinguish if it has come from the page". It was called: "you or you need to remain" - what the voice before whispering, she could not understand. "If I would have had won't feel it something that happens to me I would've never stood up, because I've often heard voices".

It's called out: "What they have now said"? and then it is repeated. She denied that her thoughts are disturbed, beeiuflußt or nachgesprochen. Exactly they reported nocturnal body sensations: She was half asleep and heard a voice, it was not like in a dream, she was instantly awake. "Just like when someone is male, I do not know, I have understood it." The voice came from below, "I do this because I've often able to distinguish if it came from the side". It was said: "You have to stay or you are" - which whispered the voice before, she could not understand. "If I had not had the feeling that it serves me something, I would not have risen because voices I have heard many times".

It is called out: "What have you said"? And then it will be repeated. They denied that their thoughts disturbed or dependent approach prevents beeiuflußt. She reports about late-night Korpersensationen exactly: it was in the Halbschlummer and heard a voice, it was not as in the dream, it was immediately awake. "Just like if someone male, I do not know, I have seen it".The voice came from the bottom "I believe, because I have had often can be different, if it has come from the side". It has stated: "You or you should lie" - what the voice whispered before, could not understand them. "If I had not had the feeling, it happens to me a bit, I don't get up, because I have often heard voices".