Sie hörte, während sie in der Küche den Boden scheuerte, vom Nachbarhause alle ihre Arbeiten besprochen z. B. auf dem Korridor eine Stimme so laut, daß sie meinte, es sei neben ihr: "wie weit bist Du jetzt? was schaffst Du jetzt, bist Du bald fert.ig?" Im Nähsaal der Klinik hört sie vor dem Fenster wiederholen, was drinnen von den Kranken oder Pflegerinnen gesprochen wird, z. B. wenn eine den Zwirn oder die Schere verlangte und ähnliches, lauter Kleinigkeiten. Sie ist erstaunt darüber. Es heißt draußen: "Was haben sie jetzt gesagt"? und dann wird es wiederholt. Sie verneint, daß ihre Gedanken gestört, beeiuflußt oder nachgesprochen werden. Genau berichtet sie über nächtliche Körpersensaticmen: Sie lag im Halbschlummer und hörte eine Stimme, es war nicht wie im Traum, sie war sofort wach. "Gerade wie wenn es jemand männliches ist, ich weiß nicht, so habe ich es aufgefaßt".
She heard while she scrubbing the floor in the kitchen, from the neighbouring House discussed all their work such as on the corridor a voice so loud that she said that it was next to her: "you're now how far? "what can you do now that you're fert.ig soon?" In the sewing room of the clinic she hears outside the window, repeat what inside, spoken louder trifles of the sick or orderlies for example if one demanded the thread or the scissors and similar. She is amazed. It's called out: "What they said now"? and then it repeats. They denied that their thoughts disturbed, beeiuflußt or spoken to. Exactly she reports on nightly Körpersensaticmen: was in the half slumber, and heard a voice, it was not like in a dream, she was instantly awake. "Just like if there is someone male, I don't know so I it considered".

She stopped as she scrubbed the floor in the kitchen, from the neighbor's house all their work discussed eg in the corridor a voice so loud that she thought it was next to her. "How far are you now what You can do now? You're soon fert.ig? " In Nähsaal the clinic she hears outside the window to repeat what is inside spoken by the patients or nurses, for. Example, if the thread or the scissors demanded and the like, loud little things. She is amazed. It's called out: "What they have now said"? and then it is repeated. She denied that her thoughts are disturbed, beeiuflußt or nachgesprochen. Exactly they reported nocturnal Körpersensaticmen: She was half asleep and heard a voice, it was not like in a dream, she was instantly awake. "Just like when someone is male, I do not know, I have understood it."

You heard in the kitchen, while the ground scheuerte, from your neighbor's house all of your work on the corridor for example discussed a voice so loud, that you said that it was next to her, "How far are you now? What are you now, you're soon done.IG?" You hear in the clinic Nahsaal repeat before the window inside, what is spoken by the sick or nursing staff, such asIf a requested the thread or the scissors and the like, loud things. It is surprised by this. It is called out: "What have you said"? And then it will be repeated. They denied that their thoughts disturbed or dependent approach prevents beeiuflußt. Exactly what you reported about late-night Korpersensaticmen: it was in the Halbschlummer and heard a voice, it was not as in a dream,She was immediately awake. "Just like if someone male, I do not know, I have seen it".