Daneben eindeutige Schilderung von Gedankenentzug, der aber nicht mit den schwindelartigen Erscheinungen zugleich auftritt. Manchmal Augenblicke wie gedankenleer. Wenn er dann auf der Straße die einfachsten Dinge gefragt werde, wisse er nichts zu sagen. Dabei immer den Hintergedanken: Hergott, Du weißt doch - konnte es aber nicht finden und sagen. Er war absolut leer, unfähig zu einem klaren Gedanken. Im Moment danach hatte er allas wieder gegenwärtig. Oder: er sah ein Auto kommen, gab das Durchfahrzeichen und hatte es sofort wieder vergessen, bielt den Wagon an, fragte den Chauffeur, warum er die Richtung nicht anzeige. Hatte vollkommen vergessen, daß dieser sein Durchfahrzeichen schon gesehen hatte. - Beim Nachschlagen in einem Buch wußte er plötzlich nicht mehr, was er wollte und mußte "sich erst richtig in die Situation hineinleben, um das Ende zu finden". - Er dachte z. B., dieses Auto muß so fahren. Dann kam ihm plötzlich etwas dazwischen. Er hörte etwas, was gar nicht hineinpaßte; es war niemand in der Nähe, doch hörte er es laut - d. h. er konnte nicht richtig auseinanderhalten, ob es gehört war, oder ein Gedanke. Oder wie wenn man ihm etwas zu lesen vor die Augen schöbe.
In addition, unique portrayal of thought withdrawal, but at the same time not to be occurring with the Vertigo-like symptoms. Sometimes moments like gedankenleer. If he then am asked on the street the simplest things he knew nothing to say. Always the ulterior motive: forth God, you know - it could but find and say. He was absolutely empty, incapable of a clear thought. At the moment after he had taken again at present. Or: he saw a car coming, was the drive-through sign and it had the wagon immediately forgotten, bielt, asked the driver why he don't show the direction. Had forgotten completely that this had already seen his drive-through signs. -To look up in a book, he suddenly no longer knew what he wanted and had to "really in the situation settle into it, to find the end". -He thought such as this car must go to. Then something intervened him suddenly. He heard something that didn't fit into it; There was no one nearby, but he heard it loud - i.e. he could not properly distinguish whether it was heard, or a thought. Or how if you nice something to read to him before the eyes.

In addition, unique portrayal of thought withdrawal, but not at the same time occurs with the vertigo-like symptoms. Sometimes moments like thoughts empty. When he then in the street the simplest things get asked that he knew nothing to say. Always the ulterior motives: Hergott, you know - it could not find and say. He was absolutely empty, unable to think clearly. At the moment, after he had Allas again presently. Or: he saw a car that was driving through the characters and had forgotten it again immediately, bielt the Wagon on, asked the driver why he did not display the direction. Had completely forgotten that he had already seen his drive-through sign. - When looking up a book he suddenly no longer knew what he wanted and had to "be just right into life in the situation to find the end." - He thought, for example, this car has to travel so.. Then suddenly it came something in between. He heard something that did not fit into it; there was no one around, but he could hear it out loud - that he could not distinguish properly if it was heard or thought. Or like when you read him something Schöbe before his eyes.

In addition clear description of psychic drain, but not with the same time schwindelartigen phenomena occurs. Sometimes moments like sweet text forced. If it will be on the road the simplest things people ask me, he knew nothing to say. Always the ulterior motive: Hergott, you know it - but couldn't find it and say. He was absolutely empty,Unable to a clear thoughts. At the moment he Allas once again present. Or: he saw a car, there was the Durchfahrzeichen and had forgotten it again immediately, the wagon bielt, asked the chauffeur, why he does not display the direction. Had completely forgotten that this Durchfahrzeichen be seen.- When you look up in a book he knew suddenly no longer what he wanted and had to be "Don't get into the situation without worries to the end to find". - He thought for example, this car must be so. Then came to him suddenly, something in between. He heard something that wasn't even hineinpaßte; there was no one in the vicinity, but he heard it loud - d. h. He could not properly distinguishWhether it was heard, or a thought. Or if you like to read something to him before the eyes heart.