Aufgabe der Klinik sei es eben, diese herauszusondern. BOSTROEM teilt das, was in dem Sammelbegriff Schizoid steckt, folgendermaßen auf: Ein Teil der Schizoiden sind leichte Schizophrene mit geringem Defekt und guter Remission. Einen anderen Teil bilden hysterische Charaktere, die häufig gewisse nicht einfühlbare Züge tragen und in ihrem Rapport zur Umwelt oft nicht Syntonen gleichen. Sie würden dann von vielen, aber unter Vernachlässigung wichtiger Züge, zu Unrecht zu den Schizoiden gerechnet. Der restliche Teil der sogenannten schizoiden Eigenschaften gehöre in eine Gruppe, gekennzeichnet durch eine starke Gehäuftheit dystoner Eigenschaften, die vielleicht von vornherein zu psychopathischem Reagieren prädisponieren, Psychopathen besonderer Art, deren Verhalten asozial, unzweckmäßig, unpraktisch oder unnötig erscheine. Es handle sich aber um eine Form von Psychopathie, die weder in genealogischer noch in direkter psychologischer Beziehung zur Schizophrenie stehe. (Zur Erklärung, warum gerade der schizophrene Prozeß sich häufig bei derartigen abnormen Persönlichkeiten entwickelt, stellt BOSTROEM die Annahme eines verminderten biologischen Widerstands dieser im Gegensatz zu Gesunden und Pyknikern, wobei allerdings auch die letzteren keineswegs gegen den Prozeß gefeit seien, zur Diskussion. „Sie werden aber offenbar dank ihrer kräftigen Vitalität weniger mitgenommen.“ Auch LANGE stellt zur Erwägung, ähnlich wie schon KRAEPELIN 1913, ob denn die Schizophrenie nicht überhaupt mit besonderer Vorliebe bei abnormen Charakteren auftrete. Dann wäre ja auch die Häufung von Psychopathien in der Verwandtschaft nicht weiter verwunderlich, da ja auch diese als erb-mitbedingt aufzufassen seien.)
The clinic's mission was just this forth auszusondern. BOSTRÖM divides what schizoid is the generic term, as follows: light schizophrenic with low defect and good remission are a part of the Schizoiden. Hysterical characters who wear often certain do not einfühlbare trains and in their rapport with the environment often same not Syntonen make another part. You would wrongly charged then by many, but neglecting important trains, to the Schizoiden. The remainder who belong to so-called schizoid properties in a group, characterized by a strong Gehäuftheit dystoner properties that predispose to psychopathischem response maybe from the outset, psychopaths of special kind, whose behavior antisocial, inappropriate, impractical or unnecessary appear. But it was a form of psychopathy, which stand either genealogical or direct psychological relationship to schizophrenia. (To explain, why just the schizophrenic process often develops at such abnormal personalities, BOSTRÖM is adopting a reduced biological resistance of this in contrast to healthy and Pyknikern, although the latter is not being immune against the process, for discussion. "They are taken but apparently thanks to their strong vitality of less." LANGE also introduces for consideration, similar to already KRAEPELIN 1913, whether because the schizophrenia not at all with special fondness performing abnormal characters. Then also the accumulation of psychopathologies in the relationship would be not surprising because Yes these as erb with due regard to.)

It is for the clinic level, herauszusondern this. Boström tells what is in the collective term Schizoid, as follows: Part of the schizoid are slight schizophrenics with low defect and good remission. Another part form hysterical characters who often carry certain non einfühlbare trains and in their rapport with the environment often not identical syntonic. They would then expected by many, but neglecting important traits wrongly schizoids. The rest of the so-called schizoid properties belong to a group, characterized by a strong Gehäuftheit dystonic characteristics that might predispose a priori to psychopathic reaction, psychopaths special kind whose behavior appears asocial, inconvenient, impractical or unnecessary. But if it were a form of psychopathy, the stand neither in nor genealogical in direct psychological relationship to schizophrenia. (For an explanation, why the schizophrenic process often develops in such abnormal personalities, represents Boström adopting a reduced biological resistance of these unlike healthy and Pyknikern, although the latter not be immune to the process, for discussion. "You but obviously, thanks to its strong vitality less taken. "Even LANGE provides whereas similar already Kraepelin in 1913, whether because not ever auftrete schizophrenia with special preference in abnormal characters. Then the accumulation of psychopathy in the relationship would not be so further surprising, since these are regarded as erb-co-determined.)

role of the clinic is just the herauszusondern. bostroem does what the term "is as follows: a part of the schizoiden mild schizophrenic with low defect and a good remission. another part is hysterical characters, often with certain einfühlbare face and in her report the environment often do not syntonen would then by many, but neglect important trains, wrongly to the schizoiden is expected. the remainder of the so-called schizoiden properties belong to a group, marked by a strong gehäuftheit dystoner properties, which may predispose to psychopathischem respond from the outset, a special kind of whose behaviour is anti social.inappropriate, impractical or unnecessary to appear. it is but a form of psychopathy, neither in genealogical or direct psychological relationship to schizophrenia stand. (the explanation of why the schizophrenic process often in such abnormal personalities developedis bostroem adopting a reduced biological resistance, this in contrast to healthy and pyknikern, although the latter is not immune against the process were discussed. "they are apparently due to its strong vitality less away." long is considered as kraepelin 1913whether the schizophrenia with special preference for abnormal characters occurs. because then i would be the accumulation of psychopathien in the family is not surprising since these as a succession mitbedingt were understood.