Während so ein Teil der Untersuchung sich nur auf die Feststellung der ursprünglichen Persönlichkeit Schizophrener beschränkte, ein anderer zum Vergleich speziell die präpsychotische Artung Manisch-depressiver heranzog, erweiterte Gruhle den Untersuchungsrahmen, indem er die ursprüngliche Persönlichkeit sämtlicher Kranken (408), die innerhalb einer gewissen Zeit in der Heidelberger Klinik zur Aufnahme kamen, zum Gegenstand einer Untersuchung machte. Um nicht dem in der synthetischen Persönlichkeitsschau, im Herausstellen von Typen liegenden Anreiz zur Voreingenommenheit zu unterliegen, wählte er eine von der üblichen charakterologischen Typenbestimmung abweichende Methode. Er ging aus von einem Schema, auf welchem 20 Eigenschaftspaare gegensätzlich vermerkt waren. Nach genauer Kenntnis des Kranken und seiner Vorgeschichte hatte dann der Untersucher die Aufgabe , sich hinsichtlich der einzelnen vermerkten Eigenschaften, die auf dem Schema verzeichnet waren, zu entscheiden, sei es, daß sie bejaht oder verneint wurden oder daß die Frage offen blieb. Dies so gesammelte Material wurde nun daraufhin gesichtet, ob sich die Einzeleigenschaften in den verschiedenen Krankheitsgruppen unterschiedlich vorfanden. Dabei verglich er folgende Gruppen untereinander:
While as a part of the investigation were schizophrenic limited only to finding the original personality, another specially attracted the pre psychotic maintenance of manic-depressive comparison, Gruhle advanced the research framework, making the original personality of all sick (408), who came within a certain amount of time in the Heidelberg clinic for inclusion, the subject of an investigation. Are not the in the synthetic personality show in exposing types this incentive to the bias, he chose a method deviating from the usual charakterologischen type determination. He came from a schema on which 20 pairs of property were contrary noted. After more accurate knowledge of the patient and its antecedents, then had the task as regards the individual noted properties that were listed on the scheme, to decide the examiner, unless they were answered in the affirmative or negative, or that the question open remained. This so collected material was spotted, now affiliated, whether the individual properties in the different disease groups differently found above. While he compared amongst the following groups:

While as a part of the investigation was limited only to the determination of the original personality schizophrenic, another for comparison especially the pre-psychotic Artung manic-depressive heranzog, Advanced Gruhle the scope, by the original personality of all patients (408), the certain within a Time came to be included in the Heidelberg clinic, made the subject of an investigation. In order not to subject the lying in the synthetic personality show, the putting forth of types incentive to bias, he chose a different from the usual characterological type determination method. He walked out of a scheme which were 20 property pairs noted contradictory. After a precise knowledge of the patient and its history then had the task of the examiner to decide with regard to the single noted properties that were listed on the scheme, either because they have been affirmed or denied or that the question remained open. This thus collected material was then spotted now, whether the individual characteristics in the various disease groups vorfanden different. He likened the following groups with one another:

While only a part of the investigation on the determination of the original personality schizophrenic Limited, another for comparison specifically the prapsychotische maintenance manic-depressive educated, advanced Gruhle the screening by the original personality all sick (408),In a period of time in the Heidelberg clinic came to the subject of an investigation. In order not in the synthetic Personlichkeitsschau, in highlighting the incentive types are subject to bias, he chose a different method from the usual charakterologischen identify. He went out from a schema,To which 20 Eigenschaftspaare noted were contradictory. Further, after having regard to the sick and his medical history had the task, then the investigator indicated in terms of the individual properties, were recorded on the schema, to decide whether affirmative or negative, that you have been or that the question was left open.This collected material has now been sighted then whether the individual properties found in the various different diseases. He compared with each other in the following groups: