BUMKE, dessen Darstellung sich vielfach mit der SCHNEIDERS deckt, hält es für selbstverständlich, "daß die schizophrenen Sinnestäuschungen mit der Denkstörung aufs Innigste zusammenhängen"; doch behandelt er sie gesondert und läßt die Frage nach der Art des Zusammenhangs offen. Vollends setzen die psychoanalytisch orientierten Bearbeiter unseres Themas die "Projektionen" (SCHILDER) und "Objektivationen" (BYCHOWSKI), als welche sie die Halluzinationen wegen ihres Inhaltes ansehen, in Beziehung zum Traum (JUNG), leiten ihr Auftreten verständlich aus der veränderten Stellung des Ichs zum Körper und zur Welt ab. (Wobei allerdings gerade SCHILDER wiederholt auf eine Abänderung der Erregungsverhältnisse der wahrnehmenden Organe hingewiesen hat und sie auch experimentell zu erhärten versuchte.) So betrachtet man die Sinnestäuschungen nur noch als Ausfluß einer veränderten seelischen Gesamtverfassung, für den sinnesmäßigen Anteil daran ist das Interesse geschwunden.
BUMKE, whose rendering often coincides with the tailor, holds it for granted "that the schizophrenic sense illusions associated with the thinking disorder on the heartfelt"; but he treats them separately and leaves the question according to the type of the link. Fully use the psychoanalytically oriented reviewers of our theme "Projections" (signs) and "Objectifications" (BYCHOWSKA), which the hallucinations due to their content check, in relation to the dream (young), understandable derive their occurrence from the changed position of the ego to the body and to the world. (Where however just signs repeatedly on an amendment of the excitation conditions of the perceptual organs has pointed out and tried also experimentally to corroborate them.) So considering the Sensory illusions just as discharge of a modified frame of total mind, for the moderate sense part, interest has dwindled.

Bumke whose appearance often coincides with the SCHNEIDERS, it takes for granted that "the schizophrenic hallucinations related to thought disorder intimately"; but he treated them separately, leaving the question of the nature of the connection open. Completely put the psychoanalytically oriented editors of our subject, the "Projections" (SIGNS) and "objectification" (Bychowski) than what they consider the hallucinations because of its content, in relation to the dream (JUNG), derive their occurrence understood from the altered position of the selves to the body and to the world from. (Where, however, just SIGNS has repeatedly referred to a variation of the excitation conditions of the perceptual system and they also tried to experimentally confirm.) So we look at the hallucinations only as the outcome of an altered mental overall constitution for the senses moderate share of this interest has waned.

BUMKE, whose representation covers itself often with the CUTTER, considers it natural, “that schizophrenic hallucinations with the thought disturbance the most intimate is connected”; but it treats it separately and leaves the question open about the kind of the connection.The psychoanalytic oriented editors of our topic completely set the “projections” (SIGNS) and “Objektivationen” (BYCHOWSKI), when which it the hallucinations because of their contents view, in relationship with the dream (YOUNG), derive their occurrence understandably from the changed position I it to the body and to the world.(Whereby however straight SIGNS repetitive to an alteration of excitation conditions of the perceptive organs and it referred also experimentally to confirm tried.) Thus one regards the hallucinations only as discharge of a changed mental total condition, for the sense-moderate portion of it the interest shrank.