(Ob sie es irgendwie vergleichen könne 1) "Eigentlich nicht"; alle möglichen Vergleiche werden abgelehnt. "So ein sonderbares Gefühl - Angst nicht wie das erste Mal, denn es war nicht so schlimm" - "Wie es raufgekommen ist, gegen die Schulterblätter ists gekommen, wie wenn ich einschlafen täte, da habe ich gesagt: was ist da?" denn es hat vorher gesprochen, so geheimnisvoll im Flüsterton, ich habe nicht unterscheiden können, was es sei, und was es sein soll. – Da hats geheißen - nicht wie unter dem Bett, sondern mehr seitwärts - etwas lauter, das habe sie dann verstanden - "sie schläft, da kann man nichts machen". - Sie sei "aufmerksam geworden" und habe gefragt "was ist da?" - ich wä.re eingeschlafen, aber da habe ich mich aufgerafft, weil ich merkte, das ist etwas, was nicht sein soll- es hat geheißen, sie solle heut liegen bleiben - heut will sie schlafen. Sie sei aufgestanden "weil ich gefühlt habe, da ist etwas, was nicht recht ist". Sie habe "eine Weile auf dem Bett gesessen", "da habe die Stimme gesagt: das seiein Gas, wo.in den Körper dringt und die Schwere verursacht, grad wie wenn man eine Spritze kriegt - "ich habe noch nie eine Spritze gekriegt, daher weiß ich nicht wie das Gefühl ist". Sie habe gefühlt, wenn sie nicht aufgestanden wäre, wäre sie eingeschlafen - "das hat es auch geheißen, das hat auch jemand gesagt: die Gase seien so stark, das Herz wäre auch still gestanden".
(If it somehow could compare it 1) "Not really"; all possible comparisons are rejected. "Such a weird feeling - fear not like the first time, because it was not so bad" - "as there Rauf came, it came against the shoulder blades, as did when I fall asleep, because I said: what's there?" because it has spoken before, so mysterious in a whisper, I have cannot distinguish what is it, and what it should be. -Hats called - not like under the bed, but more sideways - something louder, which then got it - she sleeps, there's nothing you can do". -She had "become aware" and asked "what's there?" - I wä.Re asleep, but since I gathered me up, because I realized this is something that should not be said, she should today remain - today she want to sleep. She had risen "because I felt that there is something that is not right". It "awhile on the bed did'," said the voice: seiein gas, wo.in penetrates the body and causes the severity, just like when you get a shot – "I never got a shot, so know I not feel like". " She felt if she would've not stood up, she would be asleep - "that was also called it, someone said: the gases are so strong, the heart would be well rested".

(Whether they could compare it somehow 1) "Not really"; all possible comparisons are rejected. "What a strange feeling - fear not like the first time, because it was not so bad" - "How is it up come ists against the shoulder blades come, as if I did fall asleep, so I said: what is there" because it has previously spoken, so mysterious whisper, I can not make out what it was and what it should be. - Since hats welcomed - not like under the bed, but more sideways - a bit louder, they have then to be understood - "she is sleeping, you can not do anything." - It is "hear" and asked "what is there?" - I wä.re asleep, but since I've pulled myself because I realized this is something that should not be it was said that she should remain lying today - today she wants to sleep. She had got up "because I felt there's something that's not right." She had "a while sat on the bed," "when the voice had said, the seiein gas wo.in penetrates the body and gravity causes degree as when you get a syringe -" I've never gotten a syringe, so I do not like the feeling is. "You have felt if she had not gotten up, she was falling asleep -" which has also been called, which also has someone said, the gases were so strong, the heart would also stood still " ,

(If you somehow could compare 1) "Not really,; all possible comparisons will be rejected. "Such a strange feeling like the first time - don't be afraid, because it was not so bad" - "How it is, against the shoulder blades raufgekommen ists have come into being, as if I would fall asleep, as I said, "What is this?" Because it has previously spoken, so mysterious whisper quiet,I was not able to distinguish between what it is, and what it is supposed to be. - Since hats welcomed - not as much as under the bed, but more sideways - a bit louder, then you have understood - "she sleeps, there is nothing I can do". - She is "attention" and I have asked "what is this?" - i wa.re asleep, but since I have roused me, because I knew that is something thatWhat it shouldn't be, it has stated that it should remain today - today you will sleep. She was got up "because I felt that there is something that is not right". She had "a while sit on the bed", "since the voice had said: The seiein gas, where.in the body and penetrates the serious causes, degrees such as if you get a syringe - "I have never got a syringe,So I don't know how the feeling is". You felt, if you do not get up it would be fallen asleep - "It has also stated that the man has said: The gases are so strong, the heart would also had stood still".