Es folge nunmehr ein Beispiel, bei dem sich die wesentlichen Anomalien auf optischem Gebiet abspielen.
Albert Kirner (25/621), ein 23jähriger Polizeistreifenmeister, hat zwei schizophrene Geschwister, außerdem ist eine Mutterschwester schizophren; sämtliche wurden in unserer Klinik beobachtet. Albert galt als der gesundeste in der Familie. Er entwickelte sich durchaus normal, war mittelmäßig begabt, gesellig, lebhaft, anpassungsfähig. Er arbeitete in der Munitionsindustrie und sorgte für die Mutter, solange der Vater im Feld war. Dann war er ein 1/2 Jahr bei der Reichswehr, machte die mitteldeutschen Unruhen mit. Nach der Auflösung der Formationen wurde er Hoteldiener in Süddeutschland, meist länger in der gleichen Stelle. Seit Juni 1923 ist er bei der Polizei, wo er sich sehr wohl fühlte. Einer der besten auf der PolizeistubE', schnell befördert, hatte er Spaß am Dienst. Stets verträglich, gesundes Selbstvertrauen, nicht scheu, gewandtes Auftreten, er fand sich überall zurecht. Seit 3 Jahren hat er ein festes Verhältnis mit einem Mädchen, das er heiraten will. Bei der ersten Exploration im November 1925 in der Klinik, wohin er vom Polizeiarzt eingewiesen wurde, weil er über Kopfschmerzen klagte, erzählte er mit lebendiger Anteilnahme vom Dienst und den häuslichen Verhältnissen. Mit gutem Urteil äußerte er sich über Erkrankungen seiner Geschwister und über die Unstimmigkeiten, die dadurch zuhause entstanden.
It follow an example in which the main anomalies in optical field playing now.Albert Kirner (25/621), a master of 23 police patrol, has two schizophrenic siblings, also the sister of a mother is schizophrenic; all have been observed in our clinic. Albert was the gesundeste in the family. He developed quite normal, moderately gifted, gregarious, lively, adaptable. He worked in the munitions industry and provided for the mother, as long as the father in the field was. Then he was a 1/2 year in the Reichswehr, made with the central civil unrest. After the dissolution of the formations he was usually longer Hotel servant in southern Germany, in the same place. In June 1923, he is at the police station, where he felt very much at home. One of the best on the PolizeistubE', quickly promoted, he had fun at the service. Always compatible, healthy self-confidence, not shy-looking appearance, he found himself everywhere your way. For 3 years, he has a solid relationship with a girl he wants to marry. In the first exploration in November 1925 at the clinic, where he was instructed by the police doctor because he was complaining of headaches, he told with lively participation by the service and the domestic circumstances. With good judgment, he expressed about diseases his sisters and the disagreements arising as a result at home.

. It now follow an example, in which play the main anomalies in the optical field
Albert Kirner (25/621), a 23 year old police patrols champion, has two schizophrenic siblings, also a mother's sister is schizophrenic; all were observed in our clinic. Albert was considered the healthiest in the family. He became quite normal, was mediocre gifted, sociable, lively, adaptable. He worked in the munitions industry and provided for the mother, while the father was in the field. Then he was a 1/2 year at the Reichswehr, made with the central German unrest. After the dissolution of the formations he was waiter in southern Germany, usually longer in the same place. Since June 1923 he is at the police station, where he felt very comfortable. One ', hurried the best at the police office, he had fun on service. Always friendly, healthy self-confidence, not shy, articulate presentations, he found himself around with ease. For 3 years, he has a solid relationship with a girl he wants to marry. The first exploration in November 1925 in the hospital, where he was trained by the police doctor, because he complained of a headache, he told with fervent participation from service and domestic conditions. With good judgment, he commented on illnesses of his siblings and the discrepancies that emerged by home.

It has now been a result an example in which the main play area anomalies by optical.
Albert Kirner (25/621), a 23-year old Polizeistreifenmeister, has two schizophrenic siblings, also is a Mutterschwester schizophrenic; all have been observed in our clinic. Albert was considered to be the healthiest in the family. It developed quite normal,Was mediocre talented, sociable, lively, adaptable. He has worked in the ammunition and took care of the mother, as long as the father was in the field. Then he was a 1/2 year in the Reichswehr, the Mitteldeutsche unrest. After the dissolution of the formations he was valet in southern Germany, usually over a longer period in the same location. Since June 1923 he is in the police force,Where he felt. One of the best on the PolizeistubE', quickly promoted, he had fun at the service. Always have a legal contract, healthy self-confidence, not shy, confident manner, he was everywhere. Since 3 years he has a fixed ratio with a girl he wants to marry. The first exploration in the November 1925 in the clinic,Where he was instructed by Polizeiarzt because he has headaches, he told with a lively sympathy from the service, and the domestic conditions. He noted good judgment with his brothers and sisters and diseases of the differences, the home was born.