Rosa Grill, geb. 1861 (16/25). Ein Bruder schwachsinnig. Der Bruder des Vaters geisteskrank. Beide nicht in Anstalten. Schlechte Schülerin, einmal sitzen geblieben. Nach ihrer eigenen Angabe wurde sie als sechsjähriges Kind von einem älteren Bruder geschändet, der sie zwang, bei ihm zu schlafen. Auch der geisteskranke Onkel habe sie verführt. Sie sei darüber traurig gestimmt gewesen, habe es aber bald wieder vergessen. Sie schildert sich weiterhin als lustig, gesellig, sie habe gerne getanzt, wollte aber nicht heiraten, sondern ins Kloster gehen. Der Vater habe sie zur Heirat mit einem Witwer gezwungen. Zwar sei die Ehe anfangs gut gewesen, doch habe sie sich nicht glücklich gefühlt. Der Mann war mit seinen Eltern zerfallen, sie mischte sich ein und wurde daraufhin von ihm mißhandelt. Er sei roh und grob gewesen gegen sie. Ferner wird angegeben, sie habe von jeher ein schlechtes Gedächtnis und wisse nach 1/2 Stunde nicht mehr, was sie gesagt habe. Sie war seit langem sehr redselig. Las viel in den Heiligenlegenden, wo sie sich ihre Todesart herausgesucht habe. Sie war sehr arbeitsam und fromm; richtig fromm will sie aber erst seit dem Kriege sein.
Pink Grill, born 1861 (16/25). A brother moronic. Of the father's insane brother. Both not in institutions. Bad schoolgirl sit once stayed. According to their own it was desecrated as a six-year child by an older brother, who forced her to sleep with him. Also the insane Uncle have seduced her. She was also sad-tuned, but soon forgot. It depicts is still as funny, sociable, she danced like, wanted to but not marry, but go to the monastery. The father forced her to marry with a widower. Although the marriage was initially well, but felt not happy them. The man was disintegrated with his parents, she intervened and was then mistreated by him. He was raw and rough against her. In addition, specified, she have always been a bad memory and after 1/2 hour no longer knew what she said. She was very talkative for a long time. Read much in the lives of the Saints, where she've picked their way of death. She was very industrious and pious; She wants to be but only really pious since the war.

Pink Grill, born 1861 (16/25). A brother moronic. The brother of the father insane. Both not in institutions. Bad student, remained seated once. According to their own statement, she was raped as a child of six by an older brother, who forced her to sleep with him. Even the lunatic uncle had seduced her. She was voted sad about, but it was soon forgotten. She describes herself as still funny, sociable, she had liked to dance, but did not want to marry, but to enter a monastery. The father had forced into marriage with a widower. Although marriage is initially been good, but they have not felt happy. The man had fallen out with his parents, they broke in and was then beaten by him. He was crude and rude to them. Furthermore, given that she had always been a bad memory and knew after 1/2 hour no longer what they have said. She was very talkative long. Las much in the lives of saints, where they had picked their manner of death. She was very industrious and pious; but really pious she wants to be first since the war.

pink grill, geb. 1861 (16 / 25). a brother is lame. the brother of the father's insane. both in institutions. bad student, once got stuck. by their own admission, she was a 6-year-old child of a older brother abused, forced her to sleep with him. the crazy uncle have led you astray. she was so disappointed in.but it was soon forgotten. it describes its fun, sociable, they like to have danced, didn't want to marry, but became a nun. the father of her marriage to a widow forced. although the marriage was good, but was not happy. the man was with his parents to fall apartshe mixed a and was subsequently beaten by him. he was raw and rough have against you. it is indicated that she had been a bad memory and know after 1 / 2 hour not what she said. she had long been very talkative. read a lot in the lives of the saints, where they found their way to die. she was very hardworking and sincere;right fromm wants you only since the war.