Am 27. 3. ist sie plötzlich geordnet; sie weiß, daß sie verwirrt redete, aber nicht, warum sie es tat, erinnert sich an alles, sagt selbst, sie sei nicht gesund. Nach 5 Minuten wieder völlig wie früher; bezeichnet den Arzt als Adam usw. Bei einem etwas geordneteren Gespräch in der Folgezeit maniriertes Beiseiteblicken, Zurückstreichen der Haare u. dgl. Als man sie fragt, ob sie sehr unglücklich über den Tod ihres Vaters war: „Ja, das ist schuld — jetzt brauch ich mich nicht mehr aufzuregen, jetzt bin ich kuriert.“ Anfang April viel ruhiger, plötzliches Stocken mitten im Satz beim Sprechen, plötzliches Wechseln von Lachen und Weinen ohne äußeren Grund, verweigert die Nahrungsaufnahme.
She is suddenly on 27 3; She knows that she confused but wasn't talking, why she did it, remembers everything, says even she is not healthy. Back completely after 5 minutes as before; the doctor called to Adam, etc. In a somewhat more orderly meeting in the aftermath of maniriertes aside views, brush back the hair, etc. When you ask her if she was very unhappy about the death of her father: "Yes, that's to blame - now I need to excite me anymore, now I'm cured." Beginning April much calmer, ground to a sudden halt in mid-sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying without any external reason, denied the food intake.

3. On 27 it is rated as suddenly; she knows that she was talking about confused, but not why they did it, remembers everything, even says that she was not healthy. After 5 minutes, again completely as before; referred to the doctor as Adam, etc. In a somewhat more orderly discussion in the aftermath maniriertes aside glances back brushing the hair and the like When she asks if she was very unhappy over her father's death: "Yes, that's to blame - need now.. I am no longer upset, now I'm cured. "In early April a lot quieter, sudden halt in mid-sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying with no external reason, refuses to take food.

on 27 november. 3. suddenly she's arranged; they know that she was confused, but not why she did it, remember it, says, it is not healthy. after 5 minutes completely as before; refers to the doctor as adam, etc. in a somewhat orderly discussion in the aftermath maniriertes beiseiteblicken, zurückstreichen hair etc. when you ask themif you are very unhappy about the death of her father was: 'yes, this is it - i don't get upset, now i'm cured. "at the beginning of april, quieter, sudden halt in the middle of a sentence when speaking, sudden change of laughing and crying without any external reason, refusing food.