Während der Cycloide charakterisiert wird durch ein wellenförmiges Auf und Ab, Hin und Her, zwischen Heiter und Traurig, verschiebt sich beim Schizoiden die psychästhetische Proportion im Laufe der Zeit vom hyperästhetischen Pol zum anästhetischen und kehrt nicht mehr zum Ausgang zurück. In milder Form zeigt sich die Verschiebung beim gesunden Schizothymen, wenn die sentimentale Überschwenglichkeit der Pubertätsjahre in die ruhige Solidität übergeht oder in trockener Schwunglosigkeit endet. Derselbe Vorgang kommt, nur deutlicher, beim Schizoiden zum Vorschein, wenn die viel stärkere ursprüngliche Reizsamkeit allmählich einem kühl einspännigen, trocken schweigsamen Verhalten Platz macht. Schließlich wird aber in stärkster Ausprägung diese Verschiebung von KRETSCHMER in der Psychose wieder gesehen, wo im Beginn der Erkrankung häufig extremste Reagibilität auf alle Reize besteht, um schließlich einem verdumpfenden Hindämmern zu weichen.
Characterized during the Cycloid is through an undulating up and down, back and forth, between and sad, shifts in the Schizoiden the psychästhetische proportion in the course of time the hyperaesthetic pol to the anesthetic and no longer returns to the output. The shift in the healthy Schizothyme reflected in mild form, when the sentimental exuberance of the puberty years in quiet solidity passes or ends in dry Schwunglosigkeit. The same operation is only more clearly, at the Schizoiden to light, when the much stronger original Reizsamkeit gradually makes space a one-horse cool, dry silent behavior. Finally this shift is seen but in strongest expression again by KRETSCHMER in the psychosis, where the onset of the disease is often extreme sensitivity to all stimuli finally soften a dawning of a verdumpfenden.

During Cycloide is characterized by an undulating up and down, back and forth between Cheerful and sad, shifts in the schizoid psychaesthetic proportion over time from hyperesthetic pole to the anesthetic and no longer returns to the starting. In milder form, shows the shift in healthy schizothymes when the sentimental exuberance puberty years merges with the calm solidity or ends in dry Schwunglosigkeit. The same process occurs, only clearer, the schizoid to the fore when the much stronger original Reizsamkeit gradually a cool-horse, making dry taciturn behavior space. Finally, but seen in the strongest expression of this shift by Kretschmer in psychosis again, where is to eventually give way to a verdumpfenden Hindämmern the onset of the disease often extreme responsiveness to all stimuli.

During the Cycloide is described by a wave back and forth, up and down, between cheerful and sad, moves the schizoid the psychasthetische proportion in the course of the period from hyperasthetischen Pol to anaesthetic and does not return to the output. In a mild form shows the shift in a healthy Schizothymen,If the sentimental Pubertatsjahre flamboyance in the quiet of the soundness or passes in a dry core which is flanked ends. The same process is only significant when schizoid to the fore, when the much stronger original Reizsamkeit gradually a cool in Arden, dry taciturn behavior.Finally, but this shift in the most powerful expression of Kretschmer in Psychosis seen again, where in the beginning of the disease frequently most extreme sensitivity to all stimuli, there is finally a verdumpfenden Hindammern to soft.