Es gibt 38 UNESCO-Welterbestätten in Deutschland. Bis diese Auszeichnung verliehen wird, ist es ein langer Weg. Die Bewerber müssen viel Geld und Arbeit in ihre Anträge investieren, um die UNESCO zu überzeugen.
There are 38 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Germany. Until the award is given, it is a long way. The applicant must invest much money and work in their applications, to convince UNESCO.
There are 38 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany. Will be awarded until this award, it is a long way. Applicants must invest a lot of money and work in their applications, to convince the UNESCO.
There are 38 UNESCO-world heritage sites in Germany. To this award, it is a long way to go. Candidates must have a lot of work and money to invest in their applications to convince UNESCO.