Du dem nach du ward Stoupachers gesellschaft also mechtig, das sy anviengen den herren die huser brechen. Vnd so sy srt tun walten, so furen sy ze tagen in Trenchi
Vre am ersten an die huser brechen. Nu hat der selb herr ein turn angefangen vnder Steg vf eim bÜI, den wolt er nemmen Twing Vren, vnd ander huser. Dar nach Swan- dow vnd etlichs zu Switz vnd etlichs zu Stans vnd mit namen das vf dem Rotzberg, das ward dar nach dur ein
jungfrowen gewonnen.
Nu was dem allem nach das hus ze Samen so mechtig,
das man das nit gewinnen mocht vnd was der herr, der da herr was, ein vbermutig hofertig streng man vnd tett den litten grossen trang an vnd fÜr zu vnd machet, wenn hochzyte kamen, so must mann imm schenkine bringen,
je dar nach einer gilt hat: einer ein kalb, einer ein schaff oder einer ein bachen, vnd also twang er die lÜt mit sturen vnd hat sy hert. Nu was der eidgnossen so vill heimlich worden, das sy zu fÜren vnd leiten miteinandem an, das sy vf ein wienacht, so man imm aber schenken vnd gÖte iar bringen solt, das sy ie einer mit dem andern
solti gan, so sy imm die gÖten iar vnd die helsatten brechten. So solten aber kein were tregen anders denn einer ein stecken. Vnd also kam ir vil inhinn in die kuche zu dem fÜr. Nü waren die andern ira vil nid der muli in
nacht, wo er vor dem Vogt ankam und wartete16• Als die- ser daher geritten kam, stand er hinter einen Strauch, spannte die Armbrust, schoss einen Pfeil auf ihn und lief dann zurück über die Berge nach Uri.
Von da an wurden die Verschworenen Stauffachers so stark, dass sie anfingen, den Herren die Burgen zu bre- chen und wenn sie etwas unternehmen wollten, so tagten sie zuvor in der Trenchi17• Mit dem Burgenbruch began- nen sie zu Uri und wo böse Turme waren, zerstörten sie sie. Auf einem Hügel zu Amsteg hatte der Herr einen Turm angefangen, den er Zwing-Uri18 nennen wollte, dazu andere Schlosser, die Schwanau19 und einige Turme zu Schwyz20 und zu Stans21• Die Burg auf dem Rotzberg22,
die wurde nachher durch eine Jungfrau eingenommen.
Das Schloss zu Samen23 war so stark, dass man es nicht einnehmen konnte und der dortige Vogt war ubermutig und streng, bedruckte die Leute und verlangte, dass man ihm an Festtagen Geschenke bringe; je nach dem Ver- mögen ein Kalb, ein Schaf oder ein Schwein. Als der Eidgenossen viele geworden waren, beschlossen sie, dass
man dem Vogt auf Weihnachten Geschenke und Neu- jahrsgaben bringen wolle und zwar wollten sie einzeln und nur mit einem Stecken versehen hingehen. So kamen sie alle in die Kuche zum Feuer. Die andern hatten
After you Stoupachers society ward you so mechtig the, sy anviengen the Eva to break the men's. VND so sy srt do prevail, so came sy ze days in TrenchiOn the first of the huser break AER. The same Lord has nu a turn started vnder Steg vf eim bÜI, the exercising he nemmen Twing Michael, Zachary and other. Dar after Swan-dow of and etlichs to Switz and etlichs to Stans and named the n the snot mountain that ward dar after majorjungfrowen won.Nu what so mechtig all ze after the hus seed.that the nit bingo win and what make the Lord, who as Mr what a vbermutig hofertig strictly man vnd tett suffered the great trang and for to and when hochzyte came, so must man bring imm schenkine,.ever dar applies after one has: one a calf, one a get or a vnd a streams, so twang lÜt with stubborn and he sy approached. Nu what the eidgnossen been so, reading, secretly, the sy to Imagen vnd initiate Wien eight miteinandem that sy vf, so you imm and gÖte give iar solt, but make the sy he one with the otherSolti gan, so sy imm vnd gÖten iar the Hel-rich brechten. So should but any differently than a stick no were one. VND so came to the e vil inhinn in the kitchen for. Nü were the other ira vil nid of muli in46night, where he arrived before the Vogt and wartete16 • when the ser therefore ridden came, he stood behind a shrub, harnessed the crossbow, shot an arrow at him and ran back across the mountains to URI.From then on, the conspirators of Stauf Fachers were so strong that they began the men's to the castles silver chen and if they wanted to do something, so they did meet • previously in the Trenchi17 with the Castle break began-a them to URI and where evil towers were, they destroyed them. On a hill to Amsteg the Lord started a tower, which he wanted to call make Uri18, to other locksmith, the Schwanau19, and some towers to Schwyz20 and Stans21 • the castle on the Rotzberg22,.She was later captured by a Virgin.The Samen23 Castle was so strong that you could not take it and the local Vogt was ubermutig and rigorous, printed the people and demanded that they bring him gifts on holidays; According to the regulation, like a calf, a sheep or a pig. As the Confederates had become many, they decided thatyou bringing the Vogt on Christmas presents and new year gifts and they wanted individually and accidentally go only with a stick. So they all came to the fire in the kitchen. The others had

You said after you became Stoupachers society so MechTig that sy anviengen the men break the houses. Vnd so exercise sy SRT do so Furen sy ze days in Trenchi
Vre break on the first of the houses. Nu has the Selb Lord started a turn vnder web VF EIM bÜI he wolt nemmen Twing Vren, VND other houses. Dar to Swan-dow VND etlichs to Switz VND etlichs to Stans VND called the VF Rotzberg the things which were to represent a major
jungfrowen won.
Nu what the all ze after the hus seeds so MechTig,
the one mocht win the NIT VND what the Lord, because the Lord what a vbermutig hofertig strictly to the quartet VND suffered big trang at VND to VND maketh if hochzyte came, so must man imm schenkine bring,
each represents a true to have: a calf, a one creating or an bachen so And he twang the lüt with stubborn VND sy has Hert. Nu what the federal cooperatives been so vill secretly to fueren sy the VND lead to miteinandem that sy VF a Wienacht so but you imm give VND Göte shalt bring iar, the sy ie one to another
Solti gan, so sy imm the gÖten iar VND the helsatten Brechten. So Solten but no tregen were diverse from a plug in. Vnd so ir vil inhinn came into the kitchen to the pros. Nü others ira vil nid of muli were
night, where he arrived in front of the Vogt and wartete16 • As of this therefore rode, he stood behind a bush, stressed the crossbow, shot an arrow at him and then ran back over the mountains to Uri.
From then on, were the conspirators Stauffacher so strong that they began Messrs Chen to Bremen castles and if they wanted to do something, so they met previously in the Trenchi17 • began- The Burg Bruch NEN them Uri and where evil towers were, they destroyed them. On a hill to Amsteg the Lord had begun a tower, which he wanted to call Zwing-Uri18, to other locksmiths who Schwanau19 and some towers to Schwyz20 and Stans21 • The castle on the Rotzberg22,
which was taken afterwards by a virgin.
The Castle to Samen23 was so strong that you could not take and the local Vogt was about brave and strict, printed the people and demanded that they bring him on holidays gifts; depending on the assets a calf, a sheep or a pig. As the Confederates many had become, they decided that
they wanted to bring the year gave the Vogt on Christmas gifts and new and although they wanted individually and provided only with a stick to go. So they all came into the kitchen to fire. The others had

You after you became the Stoupachers mechtig society, the sy anviengen the gentlemen the Huser break. VND to sy SRT do prevail, so¼sy PA days in Trenchi
vre on the first of the Huser break. Nu, the Selb Mr a turn starting vnder bÜI Steg vf EIM, the wolt he nemmen Twing Vren, vnd countries Huser.After Swan represent- dow vnd vnd etlichs etlichs to Switz to Stans vnd with name, which became the VF the Rotzberg constitute a
jungfrowen after major won.
Nu what the particular seed after the Hus ze mechtig,
the nit win vnd which you'd like what the LORD, the Lord "what, a vbermutig hofertig rigorously you vnd tett suffered from the large trang to VND for graven image to vnd if hochzyte came,So must man imm schenkine,
depending on which applies after a has: a a calf, a sheep or a a a rivers, vnd twang so he has the lÜt with unrepentant vnd sy Hert. Nu vill secretly so what have been the eidgnossen, the sy to fÜren vnd miteinandem guided to, the sy vf a Wienacht or Heiden is just as impressive, so you imm but give vnd solt gÖte iar bring, the sy ie a change
SOLTI with the GAN,So sy imm the gÖten iar vnd the helsatten brechten. So if different but no were latter rain because of a plug. VND so came in the kitchen to IR vil inhinn The for. The IRA were Nü change vil nid of the muli in
Night, where he arrived in front of the Vogt and waited for16• than the ser- ridden therefore came, he stood behind a shrub, cocked the crossbow,She shot an arrow on him, and then ran over the mountains to Uri zurück.
since the conspirators Stauffachers so strong that they started, the gentlemen the castles to BRE- Chen and if you wanted to do something, so you met previously in the Trenchi17• With the Burgenbruch began to Uri, and where you were, zerstörten böse towers.On a Hügel to Amsteg the Lord had a tower from which he wanted to cite Zwing-Uri 18, other palaces, the Schwanau19 and some towers to Schwyz20 and to Stans21• the castle on the Rotzberg22,
the was taken by a virgin afterwards.
the castle to seeds23 was so strong that it could not take and the Vogt was cocky and strictly,Printed the people and demanded that he bring gifts on feast days; depending on the Ver- mögen a calf, a lamb or a pig. As the Confederates were have become many, they decided that
the Vogt on Christmas gifts and new jahrsgaben bring wool and although they wanted individually and only with a rod to go. So they all came in the kitchen to the fire.The rest were