Hierin ist für KRETSCHMER ein Zweifaches enthalten: Einerseits Psychol翻訳 - Hierin ist für KRETSCHMER ein Zweifaches enthalten: Einerseits Psychol英語言う方法

Hierin ist für KRETSCHMER ein Zweif

Hierin ist für KRETSCHMER ein Zweifaches enthalten: Einerseits Psychologisch-charakterologisches, andererseits eine biologische Theorie, welche Versucht, die schizoiden und cycloiden Reaktionsformen auf blutchemische humorale Besonderheiten zurückzuführen. KRETSCHMER selbst sagt, daß der Ausdruck Temperament noch keinen geschlossenen Begriff darstelle, sondern ein heuristisches Kennwort, „das aber der Richtungspunkt für eine wichtige Hauptdifferenzierung der biologischen Psychologie werden soll“. Er unterscheidet biologisch wie psychologisch „2 ineinander greifende Hauptwirkungskreise“, einmal die seelischen Apparate, „die bildliche und Vorstellungsmäßige Verarbeitung seelischer Reize vom Sinneseindruck bis zum motorischen Impuls vermitteln“; deren körperliches Korrelat ist der Sinnes-Gehirn-Motilitätsapparat. Der andere Hauptwirkungskreis umfaßt die Temperamente, worunter jener Bereich des Psychischen zu Verstehen ist, der „Gefühlstöne gebend, hemmend und antreibend in das Triebwerk der seelischen Apparate eingreift“. Auch er hat ein körperliches Korrelat: den Gehirndrüsenapparat. Der Begriff des Drüsenapparates wird dabei über die endokrinen Drüsen hinaus auf die großen Eingeweidedrüsen, schließlich auf jedes Körpergewebe ausgedehnt, das irgendwie „am gesamten Blutchemismus“ beteiligt ist. Nur sehr Vorsichtig wird dem endokrinen System im engeren Sinne eine Wirkung „Vorwiegend auf der psychästhetischen Skala“ zugesprochen. Die spezielle humorale Ätiologie des diathetischen Temperaments ist noch Vager, es wird an gewisse Beziehungen, Vorwiegend zu den großen Eingeweidedrüsen, gedacht. An der Gestaltung dieser biologischen Unterbauung der Temperamentslehre hat die ganze Körperbaufrage wesentlichen Anteil. „Die Temperamente sind derjenige Teil des Psychischen, der wahrscheinlich auf humoralem Wege mit dem Körperbau in Korrelation steht.“
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Herein, a double is included for KRETSCHMER: on the one hand psychological charakterologisches, on the other hand a biological theory, which tries the schizoid and cycloiden forms of reaction due to blood chemical humoral features. KRETSCHMER even says that the term temperament constitutes still a closed term but a heuristic password "that, however, should be the point of direction for an important main differentiation of biological psychology". He distinguishes "you pictorial and Vorstellungsmäßige processing of emotional stimuli from the sensory impression convey to the motor pulse" biological as psychological "2 interlocking main sphere", once the mental apparatus; their physical correlate is the mind-brain motility apparatus. The other main sphere includes the temperaments, which is the area of psychological understanding that "feeling tones giving retardant and driving intervenes in the engine of the mental apparatus". He also has a physical correlate: the brain gland apparatus. The term of the glandular system extends this also finally on the endocrine glands on the large intestine glands, on every body tissue, which is somehow involved "on the entire blood chemistry". Only very careful an effect is awarded mainly the endocrine system in the strict sense "on the psychästhetischen scale". The specific humoral etiology of slide loads temper is still vague, it will in certain relationships, mainly for the large intestine glands, thought. On the design of this biological justify the temperament theory, the whole issue of body building has significant share. "The temperaments are that portion of the mental, which probably stands on humoralem ways with the body construction in correlation."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Herein for KRETSCHMER two things contain one hand Psychologically-characterological, on the other hand a biological theory, which attempts to trace the schizoid and cycloid forms of reaction on blood chemistry humoral particularities. Kretschmer himself says that the term temperament still did not constitute a closed concept but a heuristic password, "but that should be the direction point for an important main differentiation of biological psychology". It differs biologically and psychologically "2 interlocking main sphere of activity", once the psychic apparatus, "the pictorial and presentation Moderate processing emotional stimuli from the sensation convey to the motor impulse"; their physical correlate is the sensory brain Motilitätsapparat. The other main sphere of activity includes the temperaments, of which that portion of the psyche to understand is the "decisive, locking and driving engaging feeling tones in the engine of the psychic apparatus". He also has a physical correlate: the brain glands apparatus. The term of the glandular apparatus is in this case, eventually extended over the endocrine glands out on to the large intestines glands on each body tissue that is somehow involved "the entire blood chemistry". Just be very careful the endocrine system is attributed to an effect "Mainly on the psychaesthetic scale" in the strict sense. The specific humoral etiology of diathetic temperament is still vague and it is thought to certain relationships, mostly to the large intestines glands. At the design of these biological underpinning the theory of humors the whole physique question has significant share. "The temperaments are that part of the psyche, which is probably due to humoral paths with the Body in correlation."
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
This is a twofold for Kretschmer included: On the one hand, and on the other hand a charakterologisches psychological-biological theory, which attempts to respond to the schizoid and cycloiden serum chemistry humoral characteristics. Kretschmer itself says that the term temperament still no closed term, but rather a heuristic Password"The but the Richtungspunkt for an important primary difference of biological psychology". It is different biologically and psychologically "2 interlocking Hauptwirkungskreise", once the mental apparatus, "visual and sensory impression Vorstellungsmaßige processing emotional stimuli from until the motor impulse";Their physical correlate is the Sinnes-Gehirn -Motilitatsapparat. The other Hauptwirkungskreis includes the temperaments, which means that the area of the mental is to be understood, the "Gefuhlstone giving, hampered and stimulating in the engine of the mental apparatus intervenes". He also has a physical correlate: The Gehirndrusenapparat.The concept of the Drusenapparates is on the endocrine glands, on the large Eingeweidedrusen, finally extended to any tissue, the somehow "on the entire Blutchemismus" is involved. Only very carefully is the endocrine system in the strict sense an effect "predominantly on the psychasthetischen scale" kick.The aetiology of specific humoral diathetischen temperaments is even more vague, it will be up to certain relations, mainly to the large Eingeweidedrusen, thought. In the design of this biological Unterbauung the Temperamentslehre has the whole Korperbaufrage substantial share. "The temperaments are the part of the mental,The most likely ways humoralem in correlation with the body."
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