Wenn ein Baum umgesägt worden ist und seine nackte Todeswunde der Sonne zeigt, dann kann man auf der lichten Scheibe seines Stumpfes und Grabmals seine ganze Geschichte lesen: in den Jahresringen und Verwach-sungen steht aller Kampf, alles Leid, alle Krankheit, alles Glück und Gedei-hen treu geschrieben, schmale Jahre und üppige Jahre, überstandene An-griffe, überdauerte Stürme. Und jeder Baumjunge weiß, dass das härteste und edelste Holz die engsten Ringe hat, dass hoch auf Bergen und in im-merwährender Gefahr die unzerstörbarsten, kraftvollsten, vorbildlichsten Stämme wachsen.
If a tree is to have been sawn and shows his naked death wound of the Sun, one on the bright disc of his stump and Tomb can read his whole story: is in the annual rings and Verwach solutions of all, sorry for everything, all disease, all the luck and Gedei-hen good written, narrow years and lush years, saving over to handles, survived storms. And every Baumjunge knows that the hardest and most precious wood has the narrowest rings, that high on mountains and in at IM merwährender risk the most, most powerful, most exemplary tribes grow.

When a tree has been converted sawn and showing his bare deadly wound of the sun, then you can read on the bright disk of his stump and tomb his whole story: in the annual rings and Verwach-solutions is all combat, all the suffering, all the sickness, all the happiness and Gedei-hen written loyal, narrow years and lush years, WEATHERED On Grips, survived storms. And every tree Young knows that the hardest and noblest wood has the narrowest rings, that high on mountains and in-merwährender danger the unzerstörbarsten, most powerful, most exemplary strains grow.

If a tree has been disused pylons had and his naked fatal wound had the sun shows, then you can use the aperture disc his blunt and tomb read its history: in the annual rings and Verwach-solutions is all struggle, all the suffering, all disease, all happiness, Gedei-hen loyal written, narrow years and lush years, causes shuddering to-handles, endured storms.And each Baumjunge knows that the hardest and most noble wood rings has the closest that high in the mountain, and in the Risk unzerstorbarsten merwahrender in-, most powerful, best strains grow.