Erst 1965 besuchte Queen Elizabeth II. Deutschland. Zuvor gab es in de翻訳 - Erst 1965 besuchte Queen Elizabeth II. Deutschland. Zuvor gab es in de英語言う方法

Erst 1965 besuchte Queen Elizabeth

Erst 1965 besuchte Queen Elizabeth II. Deutschland. Zuvor gab es in der englischen Presse viele Diskussionen darüber, wie man mit der deutschen Verwandtschaft von Prinz Philip, dem Ehemann der Queen, umgeht. Denn einige Mitglieder seiner Großfamilie standen dem NS-Regime sehr nahe. Die Queen kam trotz der Diskussionen. Der damalige SPD-Politiker Carlo Schmidt sagte der britischen Zeitung „The Guardian“ in einem Interview: „Die Deutschen empfinden dies als das Ende ihres Status als geächtete Nation.“
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
1965 visited Queen Elizabeth II Germany. Previously, there was much discussion about it in the English press, how to deal with the German relatives by Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen. Because some members of his extended family were very close the NAZI regime. The Queen came in spite of the discussions. The former SPD politician Carlo Schmidt told the British newspaper "the guardian" in an interview: "The Germans perceive this as the end of their status as an outlaw nation."
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In 1965 Queen Elizabeth II visited. Germany. Previously, there was a lot of discussion in the British press about how the German family of Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen, bypasses. For some members of his extended family were very close to the Nazi regime. The Queen came despite the discussions. The former SPD politician Carlo Schmidt said the British newspaper "The Guardian" in an interview: "The Germans perceive this as the end of their status as outlaw nation."
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Only Queen Elizabeth II visited in 1965. Germany. Previously, there were many discussions in the British press about how you get with the German relatives of Prince Philip, the husband of the Queen, bypasses. Because some members of his extended family were very near the NS-regime. The Queen came in spite of the discussions taking place.The former SPD-politician Carlo Schmidt, told the British newspaper "The Guardian" in an interview: "The Germans feel this as the end of your status as a respected nation."
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