Auch die Frau berichtete, daß er sie gefragt habe; was hinter der Schlägerei stecke, und sie habe gemeint, der Teufel. Er habe in sie gedrungen, wollte den wahren Namen des Urhebers wissen, den die Frau nicht sagen konnte.
The woman reported that he had asked her What was behind the brawl, and she meant, the devil. He had gone into it, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman could not say.
The woman reported that he had asked them; What was behind the brawl, and they have meant the devil. He had pressed into it, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman could not say.
The woman also reported that he asked her; what is behind the brawl was stuck, and she had meant the devil. He had insisted in you, wanted to know the true name of the author, the woman couldn't tell.