Mit DEAS-Schläuchen steht mehr Leistung für die Heizplatte zur Verfügung. Die Temperatur im Schlauch wird schlechter erreicht, was aber auch auf die schlechtere Abschirmung des Sensors gegen Umgebungstemperatur zurückgeführt werden kann
deas with hoses is more efficient for heating plate for disposal. the temperature in the tube is achieved bad, but may also be attributed to the poorer shielding the sensor from ambient temperature
DEAS tubing is more power for the heating plate available. The temperature in the tube is achieved worse, which can be traced back but also to the inferior shielding of the sensor against the ambient temperature
With DEAS-hoses is more power for the heating plate. The temperature reached in the hose will be worse off, but also to the worse sensor shielding against ambient temperature can be attributed