Ich dachte, du unterliegst nicht, ich fasse das Ding, schlage zu, da hat es geblutet, sie war dann plötzlich ruhig. Ich stehe auf, nehme die Schlüssel, schließe ab und gehe weg zum Altesten der apostolischen Gemeinde, der holte 2 Kriminalschutzleute. Dann kam die Angst. Ich dachte, man will mir etwas tun. Die Schutzleute schauten mich starr an, ich bin aber geduldig mit und habe mich nicht gewehrt".
I thought you don't hold, I believe this thing, hit, because it was bleeding, she was suddenly quiet. I get up, take the key, lock up and go to the oldest of the Apostolic community, which brought 2 criminal protection people. Then came the fear. I thought you want to do something to me. "The protection people looked at me starr, I'm but patient with and me have not defeated".

I thought, you will be bound not, I'll take that thing to suggest, as it bled, it was suddenly quiet. I get up, take the key, lock up and go off to the elders of the apostolic church who took 2 criminal policemen. Then came the fear. I thought you want to do something. The policemen looked at me fixedly at, but I am with patient and did not defend me. "

I thought that you do not elation, I summarize the thing, to suggest, as it has bled, you then suddenly was quiet. I stand up, take the keys, conclude and go to the oldest of the apostolic community way, he took 2 Kriminalschutzleute. Then came the fear. I thought you do something to me. The Schutzleute looked at me steadfastly,But I am patient with and I did not resist".