Wem der Schock der Black Angels (vielleicht in der legendären Einspiel翻訳 - Wem der Schock der Black Angels (vielleicht in der legendären Einspiel英語言う方法

Wem der Schock der Black Angels (vi

Wem der Schock der Black Angels (vielleicht in der legendären Einspielung mit dem Kronos Quartet) noch wohlig in den Eingeweiden sitzt, hat mit dem vorliegenden Makrokosmos nun die Möglichkeit einen der wichtigsten nordamerikanischen Komponisten wesentlich näher kennenzulernen.Formal dem Tierkreis (Zodiac) in der Gliederung nachempfunden, sind die Teile I-II des Makrokosmos (1972-73) doch vor allem eine Auseinandersetzung und Hommage an den herrlichen Mikrokosmos von Béla Bártok. Mit Bártok teilt Crumb (*1929) unter anderem die unbändige Spiel- und Experimentierfreude. Andererseits ist der Zyklus auch eine Beschäftigung mit der europäischen Romantik in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite, wobei immer wieder Gustav Mahler (geistig) fokussiert wird.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Whom the shock of the Black Angels (perhaps in the legendary recording with the Kronos Quartet) yet cozy sitting in the bowels, the possibility now know one of the most important North American composers much closer to the present macrocosm. <br><br>Formally modeled on the zodiac (Zodiac) in the outline, Parts I-II are the macrocosm (1972-73) but above all, a discussion and homage to the stunning microcosm of Bela Bartok. With Bártok Crumb (born 1929) is divided among other unruly play and experimentation. On the other hand, the cycle is also a concern with the European Romanticism in all its diversity, with Gustav Mahler is focused (mentally) again and again.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
If the shock of the Black Angels (perhaps in the legendary recording with the Kronos Quartet) still sits in the bowels, with this macrocosm now has the possibility much closer to one of the most important North American composers. Meet.<br><br>Formally modelled on the zodiac in the structure, parts I-II of the macrocosm (1972-73) are above all an examination and homage to the magnificent microcosm of Béla Bértok. Among other things, Crumb (*1929) shares the irrepressible joy of playing and experimenting with Bértok. On the other hand, the cycle is also an occupation with European romanticism in its entirety, with Gustav Mahler (mentally) repeatedly focused.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
If the shock of the Black Angels (perhaps in the legendary play with the Kronos Quartet) still sits comfortably in the intestines, with this macrocosm, now has the opportunity to get to know one of the most important North American composers much more closely.<br>Formally imitated by the zodiac in the structure, parts I-II of the macrocosm (1972-73) are above all a confrontation and homage to the magnificent microcosm of Bela Bartok. With Bartok, Crumb (*1929) shares among other things the unconditional pleasure of playing and experimenting. On the other hand, the cycle is also an occupation with European romanticism in its entirety, with Gustav Mahler (spiritually) repeatedly focused.<br>
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